This 90-Day Plan Can Make You a Successful Business Owner

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This 90-Day Plan Can Make You a Successful Business Owner

Summary: Could your business handle 14 days with no income? What if your business is shifting, and you did not choose the shift? 

Do you ever gaze at the horizon of your business dreams yet feel the tug of wanting results by tomorrow's sunrise? We get it. It's the heartbeat of an entrepreneur—dreaming vastly yet craving it all now. You probably have a 3-year plan or a 5-year plan. But what if there was a way to set your goals on a more achievable and less daunting timeline? 

That is the genius of the 90-day plan. It is your compass to merge immediate results with your expansive vision. Today, we will be talking about what a 90-day plan is and how you can add this to your entrepreneurial tool belt. 

The 90-Day Plan Unveiled

Picture this: You're on a journey, driving towards your grand business vision. The path ahead is vast and feels almost endless. Seeing so far ahead of where you are now is nearly impossible.

Yet, the beauty isn't just on the distant horizon. The beauty shows up because the headlights light up the road right in front of you and make it easy to see. This close, tangible path that makes it easy to see what is right in front of you as you move to your destination is, in essence, the 90-day plan.

"Your 90-Day Plan: The Path Right In Front Of You"

But why a 90-Day Plan?

90 Days is more than just a random number. There are a few reasons why this is that sweet spot amount of time for setting goals in your business.

  • It’s tangible and achievable. A 90-day plan strikes the perfect balance where the time frame is long enough to tackle and complete meaningful tasks yet short enough to feel some urgency and maintain the momentum to move forward.
  • It brings visibility & clarity. Just as your headlights illuminate a certain distance on a foggy night, a 90-day plan & focus will give you a clear and actionable vision to move toward. You are not overwhelmed by the amount that needs to be accomplished. Instead, you can concentrate on the immediate, manageable steps that are already within your reach.
  • It offers flexibility & resilience. Business, much like life, is unpredictable. The shorter focus of a 90-day plan allows you the agility to adapt, pivot, and recalibrate based on real-time feedback and changing circumstances.
  • It lays the groundwork for bigger dreams. As you start the 90 days, you are sowing the seeds. Then, as you work through it, you are nurturing the initiatives. Finally, you are setting the stage for results that often blossom in the subsequent months and even years following that time. Many entrepreneurs don’t stop to think about the fact that the work you are doing now is truly the key to setting up your business’s future.

With the 90-day plan, you gain the nimbleness to adjust, ensuring that every move you make is purposeful and progressive. It becomes your compass, guiding each decision and each strategy, harmonizing your immediate actions with the expansiveness of your business dream.

Crafting A Financial Blueprint For Enduring Success With A 90-Day Plan


Every successful business hinges on its financial stability. 

Landing a major deal or client can be a significant milestone, and we celebrate that!

However, consistent and reliable income is what determines long-term success. With that thought in mind, focusing on immediate gains and prioritizing decisions that ensure steady growth and security for the future is essential. 

So, what’s the key to this, you ask? The answer is simple: Be proactive about tomorrow!

Being proactive is the key to setting visionary entrepreneurs apart from others. Rather than only reacting to the present, they strategically plan and execute actions that benefit the company in the long run.

Consistency in financial planning and strategy means more than just stable numbers and the ability to pay your bills. It represents a robust framework that allows innovation and strategic risk-taking in your business to meet the vision of success that you have in mind. 

By emphasizing regular, reliable growth instead of simple, stable numbers, your business can navigate challenges more effectively, ensuring not just survival but sustained success. 

Let’s aim to build your business to be resilient in the face of adversity, structured well to move smoothly through operations, and a well-oiled machine primed for future opportunities.

How to Tailor Your Financial Strategy For Maximum Impact in Your 90-Day Plan

As you run your business, some days simply have more urgent cash needs than others. When times are tight, you might feel like you are dancing a little jig as you take care of today while keeping your eye on tomorrow. 

So, let’s break down your 90-Day Plan into actionable steps.

Define three immediate initiatives that you would like to accomplish. 

1. Define three immediate initiatives that you would like to accomplish.

You want to look at the initiatives that are within reaching distance, will deliver tangible returns, and see cash within 90 days. 

A great example of this could be a new marketing campaign. This type of project is not only timely but has the potential to tap into current market trends and audience interests.

It is obtainable and will set your business up for the future.

Beyond its immediate impact, it paves the way for sustained relationships with your audience.

By investing wisely today, you lay the groundwork for future opportunities, ensuring your efforts now light a spark that can spread a flame and create long-term growth.

Then, consider a moderate/medium-term initiative.

It is a slightly longer initiative that stands between your short-term and long-term goals. This bridges the gap, ensuring there's a continuous flow of progress and momentum in your business.

This type of initiative allows you to be forward-thinking, anticipating market shifts, and customer needs before they become urgent.

It's about staying a step ahead of the curve, pre-empting challenges, and capitalizing on upcoming opportunities.

2. Then, consider a moderate/medium-term initiative.

These initiatives typically generate cash in your business in the 4-6 month range, offering a balance between immediacy and visionary planning.

With this, you're not only securing your business's present but also shaping its promising future.

Finally, describe a long-term aspiration.

3. Finally, describe a long-term aspiration.

This is your horizon dream.

To craft this vision, delve deep into the visionary steps that are aimed at fostering growth and cementing stability in the years to come. Think about where you want to be in 5, 10, or even 20 years down the line.

This isn't just about financial targets or market shares; it's about the lasting impact you want to make in your industry and the community.

An amazing part of being an entrepreneur is the legacy you are creating.

Such long-term goals not only reflect your business's potential but also the depth of your passion and commitment. These are those goals that truly illustrate the lasting legacy you're building.

What if You Have a Stable Cash Flow?

If you're in the fortunate seat of stable cash flow, Rejoice! But don't rest. 

Your dance gets more intricate.

While it's a sweet spot to be in, it's less about kicking back and more about gearing up for bigger leaps.

Things to Consider in Your 90-Day Plan if You Have a Stable Cash Flow:

A consistent cash flow is a blessing, but it's not the endgame. It is an opportunity. 

While a consistent cash flow is undeniably a boon for any business, it should never be viewed as the pinnacle of success.

Instead, it's a golden opportunity, a platform from which you can elevate to greater heights. With this financial stability, you're poised to dive deeper into innovative realms, venture into previously unexplored territories, and strategize with a keenness that's rooted in foresight and wisdom.

1. A consistent cash flow is a blessing, but it's not the endgame. It is an opportunity.

What were once seen as audacious, high-risk moves are now transformed. With a strong financial backbone, these ventures become calculated, strategic steps forward, informed by data and experience.

Implementing a 90-day plan in this phase becomes even more potent. With the luxury of stability, you can allocate resources and energy to test new waters, optimize current processes, and align strategies to hit those higher benchmarks. It's not just about maintaining the momentum; it's about pushing the boundaries and elevating the ceiling of what's possible.

In the realm of stable finances, your immediate tasks blend seamlessly with mid-term initiatives and your grander visions. 

2. In the realm of stable finances, your immediate tasks blend seamlessly with mid-term initiatives and your grander visions.

With stable finances, your daily tasks can pave the way for larger goals.

Every immediate action, like refining customer interactions or launching a mini-marketing drive, can be a foundation for broader initiatives.

Consider introducing a second mid-term goal, such as entering a new market segment, alongside your current ones.

This diversification not only bolsters growth but offers a fallback plan.

As these immediate tasks fuel growth, let your mid-term projects guide the direction, and let visionary goals be the endgame.

Remember, in the world of business, syncing short-term actions with long-term visions is your ticket to sustained success.

Also, consider working towards one more long-term goal in your 90-day plan.

Beyond the spreadsheets and graphs, feel the essence of your business. Use this to guide your decisions, strategies, and aspirations, ensuring they resonate with your desire for profit, freedom, and a fulfilling life.

Sometimes, when we get wrapped up in the grind, we lose sight of why we do all this. Take some time to think about why you chose this path.

3. Also, consider working towards one more long-term goal in your 90-day plan.

No matter where your business falls, recognize that a 90-day plan is a powerful tool. 

Use it to carve out a trajectory that's not just about business growth but about shaping a legacy driven by passion and purpose.

Anchoring in Mastery Before Moving Beyond

As you implement your 90-day plan, consider that before any growth can come, you must check your knowledge. Sometimes, we have it all figured out, but have you really mastered every aspect of where your business is today?

What does this look like? 

First Master. Then Expand.

First Master. Then Expand.

Every seasoned entrepreneur knows the power of a solid foundation. That deep-rooted understanding, the intricate knowledge of your domain, gives you the confidence and strength to navigate the unpredictable tides of the business world. Before dreaming of conquering uncharted territories, it's essential first to become a master in your current realm.

Think of it like building a home. You wouldn’t start by painting the walls or choosing the furniture. 

You'd begin by laying a robust foundation, ensuring every brick is perfectly placed, every beam is solid, and every structure is stable. Only then, with the confidence that your base is unshakeable, would you move on to enhancing and decorating.

In your business, this may translate to honing your current skills, refining your strategies, and deepening your understanding of your existing market. 

It's about ensuring that your business isn't just surviving but thriving in its present environment. Once you've achieved this level of mastery, you're not only better prepared to venture into new arenas, but you also carry with you the credibility and experience that can make those ventures successful.

A Purposeful Path Forward

The steps we choose define our journey in the ever-evolving dance of entrepreneurship. From understanding the transformative potential of the 90-day plan to grounding ourselves in our core expertise, the route to business growth and personal freedom becomes clear.

It's not just about chasing numbers or ticking boxes. It is about sculpting a business narrative that resonates with your vision and values.

We understand the balance between dreaming big and starting where you are. 

We are here to guide, support, and empower you every step of the way. Remember, it's not just about building a successful business. It is about crafting a legacy, fostering fulfilling relationships, and achieving that coveted work-life balance.

As you move forward, let each decision reflect your immediate goals and your larger aspirations. Ready to unlock the transformative power of a 90-day plan? We are just a chat away! Let’s find a time to delve in together. 

About Leslie Hassler
