Do you talk nicely to yourself? I don’t mean talking out loud while you are driving, making dinner or simply walking around the house. I mean the self-talk that you do with yourself day in and day out.

Do you say nice things to yourself?

never-say-anything-about-yourself Happy Things

For most of us, the majority of our self-talk is negative.

negative-committeeSaying Images
But we have to be careful …. Those negative thoughts take on a life of their own and shape our self image.
We believe the things we tell ourselves and it affects our actions and choices!
we believe what we tell ourselves quote

Inspire Positive Soul Sensations
That’s why we need to switch the messages in our head to loving, kind thoughts about ourselves.  It is those messages that have the greatest power over ourselves, our success, our lives!

Changing the messages in our heads, changes the way we feel about ourselves! Start being kinder to yourself, tell yourself what you are rather than what you are not, become your biggest cheerleader.
Being kind to yourself is not an option, it is a requirement for success in all things.
What message of love, acceptance and pride will you start saying to yourself today?
